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Brookeborough Primary School, County Fermanagh

2024 Residential: Clonmany, Donegal - DAY 3!

10th Jun 2024
The children awoke slightly later than day 2 but all were ready for the final activities after another hearty breakfast. After getting packed up the children got blackout goggles on, ready for the blind walk following a line. Much annoyance to the children was provided by us teachers flicking various things and tickling children with grass which they couldn't see! 

After that the children were given instructions for the mud run. They all slogged it round the course and got rather mucky (and smelly!). The pics do this justice, so have a look. 

We showered in cold water removing some of the muck, ready for a hot shower at home. We bid farewell to the excellent instructors who worked with the children and we had our last yummy lunch. 

All the children should be proud of themselves as every one took part in every activity, they were a bunch of legends!