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Brookeborough Primary School, County Fermanagh

2024 Residential: Clonmany, Donegal - DAY 2!

6th Jun 2024
After the fun of the first day there were misguided views from the adults that the children would sleep loads, whilst they certainly got to sleep quickly Brookeborough children are hardy folk and follow the natural rhythm of the sun and rose at dawn. Undeterred, the valiant school staff summoned the troops for sports before breakfast. After a scrummy breakfast where some children were allowed to have the hallowed double choc spread (some said they weren't allowed 'that sort of thing' at home!) we headed out for our first expedition of the day. 

All the children got kitted up in wet suits, helmets and life jackets ready to tackle the waterways of Ireland on paddle boards with Mr Young taking 'on the water' arty shots in his kayak. The BPS crew made their way down the river in style and finished the session with water games. All children joined in and paddled like pros!

After lunch, the spirit of Robin Hood was summoned for archery where budding bow-children ruled the roost showing the target who was boss. This was followed by a marine awareness session, collecting rubbish from the beach and learning how to look after this glorious countryside. Smores were enjoyed to end the afternoon before dinner and then the tuck shop was raided with customary quickness. Following the consumption of drinks, which resembled no colours of nature, we headed for the beach.

Yet again the children were straight into the distinctly non-Mediterranean temperature waters, with Mr Honeyman also getting rather wet. Everyone enjoyed the waves and golden sandy stretch of Tullagh Beach. Mr Young created a fire whilst shouting "MAN MAKE FIRE!!!" which the children then toasted more smores on, kindly supplied by Mrs Robinson. 

We finished the day with duvets and a movie. Donegal has certainly treated us well.